Test Flight Experience

FMS partners with RC clubs to provide a safe, friendly, and professional flying environment for RC enthusiasts, especially beginners.

Free RC Plane Experience

Expert Flight Training

Improve Flying Skills

Engage with RC Community

Test Flight Details

Jefco Aeromodelers

Founded in 1959, Jefco Aeromodelers is a chartered club of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). Since its inception, the club has grown from a small group of RC enthusiasts to a diverse group of over 200 members. Members range in age from 11 years old to over 80 years – demonstrating all levels of flying skills.

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The First Test Flight Event

Flying Date: October 12, 2024, 10 AM–3 PM
Flying Field: Chatfield State Park (Jefco Aeromod'lers RC Club)

Google Map

What do FMS and the Club provide?

FMS provides several flight simulators and multiple 1220mm Ranger V2 airplanes, perfect for beginner pilots to learn the basics of RC flying. The club will have five instructors offering professional flight guidance to participants.

Learn More About Beginner Plane

Club President's Feedback

All six of my volunteer team at Jefco Aeromod'lers RC Club, myself included, enjoyed working on the FMS Test Flight Experience. While the number of participants was lower than we expected or prepared for, we consider this a successful event because those who participated could fly several times and improved with each flight. We had lots of positive feedback from the participants, the volunteer instructors, our club members, and even the State Park Officials who thought this was a great program.

Fly With FMS